Sorry for the confusion
The good news is you'll receive your order by the expected date.
Sometimes our warehouse processing takes a bit longer than expected which may affect your shipping date. This doesn't impact your delivery date, however.
Just a reminder – our delivery time frame should be 5-7 business days.
Your shopping security is our highest priority.
To safeguard your information and reduce potential risk, we conduct additional verifications when an order doesn't look quite right.
We double-check things like:
- Multiple orders placed under one account within 48 hours
- First time order with a high dollar amount
- Shipping to an address that doesn't match your billing address
- Orders submitted with a coupon discount in excess of 80%
Questions? Contact us.
Your shopping security is our highest priority.
At times our Sales Recovery Team needs additional information before we can send your order.
We require additional info for things like:
- Missing or miskeyed credit card information
- Transaction denied by issuing bank
- Issuing bank requires additional information
- Transaction denied by Comenity Bank
Questions? Contact us.
There are a few reasons you may not have received your order:
Your Order Is On Backorder
Our apologies for the delay. We’re trying our best to get your item to you as soon as possible.
Your Order Is On Hold
Give us a call. We’re happy to help.
Consumer Protection Group:
800-459-3205 M-F 8am-5pm EST
Sales Recovery Team:
877-447-7070 M-F 9am-7pm EST
Order Shows As Delivered
If you are not able to locate your package, give us a call at (800) 400-5527. We’re happy to help.
Please print a PDF Affidavit Form, fill out with Order Number, Order Total, Name, Billing Address, Phone Number, and Email Address. Please sign, date, and send to our Analysts for review.
Send to:
Customer Relations Analyst
500 S. Mesa Hills Dr.
El Paso, TX 79912
*For orders of $200 or more, a police report will be required. Please attach the police report to your signed affidavit letter.
Check on your order anytime.
Simply select Account — at the top of every page. On the dropdown menu, select Track My Order. Enter your order number, email address and billing zip code. Click Go to view your delivery details.
If you're a registered user (or you gave us your email address on the phone), you’ll receive a confirmation email from us once your order has shipped.
If you don’t get your package in the next three business days, contact us.
Sometimes tracking information shows as “not found” if the shipping label does not scan properly. If it has been more than 20 business days since you’re expected delivery date, contact us. We will issue you a credit and gladly re-order your item for you.
Received An Incorrect Item?
Please place a new order on our website and return the incorrect item using the instructions on the back of the packing slip. Or, call us toll-free at (888) 241-SWIM (7946). We'll issue a credit for the incorrect item to the original credit card, and charge your card for the correct item once it's shipped.
*For International orders, please email us or call us at 1-915-225-4970
Missing An Item From Your Order?
If an item is missing from your package but listed on the packing slip as shipped, it may have shipped separately or be backordered. Check your Order Status here. If the item is not backordered, please email us or call us toll-free at (888) 241-SWIM (7946).
Discount not applied at checkout?
Be sure to check the offer carefully. Sometimes only specific colors or sizes are offered at the reduced prices. Still have questions? Contact Us. We're happy to help.
Returns take about two weeks to process—including transit time to our warehouse.
Once we receive your return, we try to process it within two business days. Refunds back to your payment method vary depending on your provider, but generally take three days to post.
Once your return has been processed, it will be listed as returned- along with the date it was processed. Check order status here.
If you're a registered user, or gave your email address to us over the phone, we’ll send a return received email once we’ve received your return—and a second email once we’ve processed it.
Final sale items will not be refunded.
Refunds are for the merchandise amount plus any applicable tax.
If you used our pre-paid return label, $10.99 was deducted from the merchandise total. The original shipping and handling is non-refundable.
Exchanges are processed as new orders.
First, we issue a refund for the returned merchandise. Then, we process your exchange and charge for the merchandise amount only. There is no charge for shipping and handling.
Check your exchange order carefully.
Depending on the price of the original purchase and the price of the new item, you will see either a credit or debit to your account—or the transactions might offset one another.
Occasionally, the exchange order does not capture the correct price. Please contact us if you believe there is an error. We’re happy to adjust the price. The difference will go back to your original method of payment.
Your card is only charge once at the time your order is shipped.
When you place your order, we authorize your card for the full order amount. This places a pending authorization on your card—common bank practice when handling credit card transactions to ensure sufficient funds and account authenticity. This sometimes appears as two duplicate, separate charges. Please allow up to 72 hours for the pending authorization to clear. If you need help speeding up the process, please contact the credit card issuing bank.
Your Privacy
Our privacy policy describes how FULLBEAUTY Brands treats your personal information.
It was created to inform you, our customers, of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information and the steps we have taken to secure it. Our standardized Privacy Policy and Terms of Use applies to all of our Brands and the websites maintained by the Brands (collectively the “Site”). By visiting the Site directly or through another site, you accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy. Read our Privacy Policy here.
Too much mail? We completely understand.
Manage your email preferences here.
When you’re ready to re-subscribe, just visit this page to update your preferences.
Forgot your password? No problem.
Please check your email address or password and try again.
Remember, your password is case sensitive.
We’re sorry you’re having trouble. Here’s a reminder of our login requirements.
- Your email address can't begin with a number.
- The password field is case sensitive.
- You must re-enter your password exactly as you did when you registered. (Password, PASSWORD or password).
- Your password must be 8-10 characters and contain at least 1 letter and 1 number.
- Reset your password here
Still having trouble? Contact Us
Registered Customer?
View or modify your information with a few simple clicks.
Access your account information anytime by selecting My Info located at the top of every page.
Using the same login for more than one of our brands? Any changes you make will apply to all FullBeauty Brands.
We’re Here To Help